When Anna Meid plays music, she can turn every song into something completely unique. Her music is distinguishable by a lightness and dreaminess in her voice that has it’s own Indie touch.
Music has always been a part of her life, which eventually inspired her to write her own songs. With “Empress of the Key”, she sets a tone in her music of how sometimes a thought is just enough to bring about a change.
Tomorrow – Music Video
Comfortable Woman
The Pausenraum Session
Band der Woche
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Live at StuStaCulum – 8th of June

Empress of the Key
Interviews M94.5
Milla Song Slam – Interview Campuszeitung

Campuszeitung der LMU
Der Milla Song Slam: Januar-Gewinnerin Anna Meid im Interview 26th January 2023
Composer Musical Theater

Anna Meid is also taking commissions in the musical theater field. As a part of the AFFENTHEATER team, she composed all songs of the show and was responsible for the musical conduction.
Foto ©Victoria Jungblut